General Financial Questions for Users

Search Frequently Asked Questions or See Below

  • What is the estimated value of rewriting, copywriting and translation on eTXT?

    The prices for orders and articles one eTXT are set by clients and authors, however, the minimum cost of one work is $1 per 1000 characters.

    The minimum recommended prices for 1000 characters for the "Master degree" qualification level for different types of work are:
    – copywriting: $10;
    – rewriting: $9;
    – SEO-copywriting: $10;
    – translation: $10.

    The final price depends on the complexity of the order, implementation date, amount of work, etc.

  • What’s the fee of eTXT?

    The fee is 10% of the order amount. It’s divided equally between the client and the author (buyer and seller).

    If funds are transferred from one account to another within the system, the fee is charged only from the recipient (10% of the amount of the transfer).

  • Is it possible to transfer money on the eTXT from one account to another?
    Yes, it's possible. In the widget "Finance" there is a link to the "Transactions" section. Please note that you can make only the internal transfer between accounts that are linked by the same email address or same phone number, no commission is charged. In other cases, the eTXT staff can help you to transfer from one account to another, if necessary, create a request in Feedback. In this case, the recipient has to pay a commission — 10% from the transaction amount.
  • I sold an article but the funds are still on hold. What do I do?

    The funds are released to the author/seller within 3-4 hours. This time is needed for the buyer to check the article for plagiarism and check its quality. If the buyer cancels the purchase, the funds are released back to the buyer.

  • Why I can't enter the wallet number? Why my wallet is not activated?
    If you enter the wallet number for the first time, check the correctness of the number and the selected type (WMZ / WME). If you haven't received the activation link, please check spam filters. If there are no filters, create a request in Feedback.